1. You'll need:
- a cup or two of active-culture yogurt
(sorry, this is a recursive recipe)
- at least a litre of milk
- some jars
2. Here's what you do:
- Scald a big pot of milk (this means not-quite-boil-but-almost, or 185°F for the fussies with a thermometer). If it boils, you fail. Throw it all away and start anew.
- Stir it a bit while it's heating up so it doesn't form a skin.
- Wait until you can stand to touch the side of the pot.
- Take a spoon of hot milk at a time and mix it with the cup of yogurt. This slowly warms it up so it doesn't freak out when it hits the hot milk.
- Dump it in the milk and stir it around so it desolves
- Put it in some jars and put them in your (room temperature) oven
- Leave the oven turned off, but maybe turn the light on for a tiny bit of heat
- Go sleep until morning
- Chill in fridge
- Enjoy with fruit and granola
3. Theoretical result: