Luke Cyca .com Issue LXXVI   December 27th, 2009

Most Useful Music Discoveries of 2009: An Empirical Study

  1. Create a smart playlist to show songs added in 2009
  2. Sort by playcount
  3. Empirical evidence of music-listening behaviour results
Röyksopp - Junior
Empire of the Sun - Walking on a Dream
Elsiane - Hybrid
Max Tundra - Parallax Error Beheads You
Depeche Mode - Sounds of the Universe
Bran Van 3000 - Rosé
Junior Boys - Begone Dull Care
Air France - On Trade Winds EP
Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Shiny Toy Guns - We Are Pilots

There is a pretty bad sampling bias going on here, as these are all albums I discovered early in the year and, you know, had more time to rack up the play count. How could I do this better?

Luke Cyca .com