Luke Cyca .com Issue XLIV   April 7th, 2008

Algorithmic Mirror

Algorithmic Mirror is an art piece using computer media. It's not really useful in any way, but is rather meant to be interesting, thought provoking, and visually stimulating.

The setup consists of some software I wrote using Processing running in fullscreen, and a webcam. When the viewer enters the webcam's field of view, they will see a mirror image of themselves on the screen. What makes the algorithmic mirror unique is the way in which the image is displayed.

Over a thousand particles are in constant motion on the screen. When a person or object enters the camera's field of view, the particles arrange themselves in order to show a vague silhouette version of the image. The result is like a sketch in motion.

Algorithmic Mirror was on display at the National Exhibition Centre in Swift Current, SK from February 19 to March 20, 2005.


Algorithmic Mirror
(1.5Mb, Application + Source Code)

Requires Mac OS X 10.4 or higher and an iSight camera

Luke Cyca .com